raiator fluid gushing out of P/S bolt

I think i really messed up, so im going to start from the begining just in case everythings related.
So last week i was driving and the Power steering belt flew off and the car over heated.
I was close to my house and was able to get the car home by pushing it.
I losened the two bolts that hold in the power steering pump and put a new belt on, i had a LOT of trouble getting the pullys aligned and repetedly untighted and retighted.
There still not straight. BUT I was just working on it a second ago and i loosened the top bolt connected to the block more than i usually did and radiator fluid started gushing out. I undid the plug on the radiator to try and stop the fluid from going through the block. So it stopped leaking but now the bolt wont go back in, it just spins and wont retighten.
Any ideas on what i should do??? Did i really mess up or is this a normalish problem?
Thanks in advance