A member needs our help and prayers-Old Tired Rebel--Valiant Rebel

I sold my chebby shifter today :toothy9: and as some of you know my wife is home and not working and trying to make a go of here retro business (selling on line) so I pay all the bills now :banghead:
I will kick the distributor up to half of what I made on the shifter Cliff.
I will go $40 on the distributor jaimus has stepped in with.. I wish I was in better shape to do more Cliff :sad5:
your are doing a great job here Doc :cheers:
Wow mike ur grate bud .. Im kind of happy u bumped it up cuz i was going to go with out gas for a few days here ... Rock on bud .. Thanks im trying to do my part here mike :cheers: I hope Your wifes Business takes off soon bud hit me up some time I enjoyed the talk we had on the phone would like to do it again later tater :coffee2: