Dad "oldmanmopar was taken to hospital last night

Its Steve I just got home. I saw the thread my daughter posted. I was suppose to have surgery in fall on my neck. Well things are not going as planned. I just survived a second heart attack.

During a Cat scan and ultra sound they found something on my lung and liver. I will be going back for more test.

I want to thank you all for the prayers and kind words. Doesn't look like I'll be on here for a while. I especially want to thank all who came here for just being a friend . Have no worries about me I am a christian and know I am in Gods hands. If things go well I will be back. Its my family that will need the prayers. They are taking this harder then me. I have been living on pain meds since 2005. I am just getting run down. No ambition or strength.

I had my wife and daughter send the console and the shock plates today. No other sales or transactions will be made by me as of now. I told my son he can do what he wants with the parts if something happens to me. This is and always will be a great site. hope to be back . Steve

Here are some pics of the family some of you have already met. Something to remember us by.
and guard dog Bullit