Fold down seat carpeting

It actually so far has turned out better than I expected. I took the steel piece that goes between the trunk and the back seat covered it in that Bubble insulation, then glued the carper to it. Along with the drop down into the trunk.. I'll see if I have any more pictures.. By the way I forgot to mention it cost me $60.00 to have the binding sewn on around the backseat and the dropdown.. Wouldn't have cost that much if the shop didn't have to order the binding.. The carpet is actually darker than the interior color, but at least it all looks uniform.
I also pulled all my plastics out and re-sprayed them with a gun (something I haven't done in 30+ years). But I wanted everything to match as best as could be expected. So the plastics, the metal trim above the door, the dash, all look reasonably the same. I did find if you scuff the plastic with a scotch pad, then clean them, and spray them with a "Plastic Adhesion Promoter" the paint sticks pretty good.. but emphasize clean ..
As soon as I get most of it back together I'll post some more pics.. Thanks everyone for the compliments
