Some people just should not drive at the drag strip

Wait so why shouldn't she drive at a dragstrip? I am confused.

She can't stay in control, not even for the first second or two.

Her looks is keeping her in the drivers seat....lets hope nobody ever does get hurt, her luck could run out.

That camera guy just has too much faith on his reflexes, lol. I understand the get it all on film but thats how you can get killed.

She's only 21, how many second chances has she's gotten already..your luck does run out, question is when.

Heck I lost it once and paid the price but I should had seen it coming looking back. I was pushing too hard, for too long. Was more worry about a traffic ticket vs a crash. Never thought I lose complete control of the car. Had some close calls before but pulled the thing out of the skid....I hit-past on the dirt shoulder at around 90 mph once--21 years old--got control back around 70 mph and punch it again....nobody is catching me, lol

I thought I was so good...till around my 23 rd birthday