now thats a barn find....

I want to know the original owner/collector life story. What business was he in or where did his money come from? We know he wasn't a parts yard operator because no parts are missing. Definately a hoarder and an opertunist who always had a stack of cash, moonshine, groceries, something to trade since he aquired operating cars and bikes from their owners. I've known 2 men who made a good living subcontracting railroad work. 2 more that made their fortune printing bootleg gas stamps during the depression.
Never met a moonshinner but did meet a shine runner once. All fascinating characters.

It's entirely possible that "Lee" never even rode a motorcycle.
I wonder who helped him store the bikes on that top shelf too ?
I think the book about the man would be much more interesting that the collection itself.
Holywood would need to put it all back where it was to make the movie LOL
Anyway, Thanks for the link to the video.