Wheels Ever Fail?

.................. old cars = old (small) rims, ...................... They can't seem to help themselves. Many of these same old-schoolers are okay with something as "large" as 15's, but they also think 14's look just fine on old iron...............................

as much derision around here as a set of nicely tucked-in 17's. Different strokes for different folks..............................

Personally, I would no longer even drive an old car with a 14" rim or smaller. Unless it's a restoration (which bore me for the most part), I think 14's look ridiculous unless you're driving a Mini Cooper.

My Swinger has a LONG way to go, but the rims are taken care of:

Evidently you didn't read a THING I posted. I said NOTHING about "ya hafta run" 13s or 14s, and in fact, I mentioned ABODYJOE's wheels as a shining example of "what can look good." AND I think the wheels you show are nice, which to me are in that same styling..

THE POINT is that some of these simply look incredibly gaudy and are "amplified" by the "all chrome all the time" in a large wheel. They need some contrast to set them off, and they need a spoke style that looks good

The answer to your "breakage" problem is EASY

Get ahold of the manufacturer, and find out if those wheels meet specs for ANY recognised racing organization, be it NHRA, road race, or whatever.

Just from their appearance, I'd bet that a good hard 500hp+ launch or 10 would twist those apart.