Cool blown 75 Duster Jay Leno story......

I don’t know who is the more class act.
Leno or Paul.
Thanks for posting.
You made my day.
I’m very pissed off at some shady real estate agents (Is that redundant?)
I came here for a minute to get my mind off of it.
They can get blown.

You know, it looks like that hood could be closed with out the blower.
Ah, to have a “stock” flat hooded 426 A-body.
But I just don’t think the physics allow it.
I’m guessing the front suspension was changed to drop the motor down without violating the sheet metal.
Wonder what it is.
This is so much better than that fax supercharged black Charger in the Fast and Spurious.
And the best part is this car has my steering wheel(s).
I always put that one in my cars.

Oh, and I think this is probably the best car Leno has. If he has a better one, I can't imagine what it would be. (Does he have a wing car?)