First one of the year

I even freak when I see a black snake, I scaaared of snakes.

Lemmie tell you a little somethin bout them black snakes. That's probably what's called an Eastern Indigo Snake. Also called the King Snake or Coachwhip. They are irridescant on top and look purple and blue in the sunlight and they are generally yellow or yellowish/white on the bottom. They get a touch over ten feet long full grown.

Now, lemmie explain why you should leave them alone. First, they are protected by local state AND federal law. Of course, that's not the real reason to leave them alone. They are immune to the venom of every poisonous snake in North America. They also EAT poisonous snakes, but they are not poisonous at all.

The reason they are protected is because back in the 30s-60s, people kept them as pets and of course, they eventually die in captivity, so their population dropped off dramatically. They are very docile snakes. If ever you could say a snake could be your "friend", the King Snake is it.

That's why I get sorta upset with people when they say stuff like "the only good snake is a dead snake". Cause if the King Snake population starts dwindling again, we'd be ate up with sho nuff bad snakes. the best thing to do is get familiar with them enough to spot a bad one. It's not hard to do. Just a little research.