Private Pilot's License (Aircraft)

I've always wanted to fly since I was a little kid. I grew up in Ohio (home of the Wright Bros), lived across the street (literally) from the Air Force Museum for a little while, and used to be able to name all current and past US military aircraft, and most civilian, not to mention could tell what any given aircraft flying overhead was, by the sound of it's engines.

But alas, lack of being born into the upper middle class, coupled with a sporadic internal motivation system, and a last minute rethink of entering military service, has pretty much dictated a ground life for me.

I have managed to fly in dozens of passenger aircraft, and a few classics from time to time. I even managed to fly a 1945 Piper cub seaplane during a "guest ride", and did manage to bank a few turns without losing altitude, and re-orient the aircraft toward "home" when asked.

I have come close twice to buying a gyro.

I have a 1960's copy of an aeronautics training manual and a 70's AOPA guide.
I used to read those until my head hurt before I was a teenager.
I still learn something every time I open those books.