Vacuum advance removal, is it possible?

Is it necessary on a race car? No, as mentioned.

If there is "wander" involved...removing the advance plate has nothing to do with it. Any wander is characteristic of worn/poorly maintained parts and not related to the VA components.

Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. Poor timing accuracy in factory Mopar distributors is a WELL documented problem and has been since before I owned my first RR in 1970. There has been COUNTLESS articles in magazines for the last 40 years about problems with these distributors. "Wear" certainly is an issue, but the problem goes much much deeper than that, and yes, I'll say it................

poor design on Chrysler's part

Back in my "440" days, I was lucky enough to score a used Mopar hemi dual point dist. with a tach drive

THE IMPORTANT THING about a tach drive Mopar dual point is that IT HAS A BALL BEARING top bearing!!! AND unlike the factory single point dist -- of which the factory breakerless is merely an outgrowth-- the dual point dist's have a BALL BEARING pivot in the advance plate, a MUCH more stable design that the single point/ breakerless advance plate.