Vacuum advance removal, is it possible?

My oh my what a can of worms I have opened! LOL

First off,
My car gets driven a max distance of maybe 15 to 20 miles at a time. For a total of 200 to 300 miles a year. Probably more of the time with the pedal pushed to the carpet than in cruse. This car is not a cruiser. It is going to be more of a race car than at rood trip car. Just drove it on a 20mile trip to a car show yesterday, and it ran better than ever with the canister in hooked. Yes I know how they work, and what they do.

Second my distributer is new, and has the adjustable advance. The adjustment dose nothing. I have tried. From screw all the way in to all the way out.

Third I would play with deferent canisters if I new were to get them. I have looked and looked and all I have found is stock Mopar replacements

And I even noticed with a timing light that my timing is rock steady at 3,000 with the advance un hooked. Hook up the advance and not only dose it go to high, it wonders all over the place. OK that may be a exaggeration, but you can see it move around some what.

Thanks to everyone for the input!