Vinyl top on a 66 Barracuda answered

My original post for help was:

Hi..does anybody know if a vinyl top on a 1966 Barracuda had seams anywhere? A picture of an original vinyl top would be helpful as I want to replace mine but not enough remains of the old top to determine if or where seams were located.
Thanks, Pat

Here's the answer...found a post in 2009 by 66340SEDAN in FABO archives. This very helpful person took some pictures of 66 Barracuda he found in a junkyard. This Barracuda ironically had the rare vinyl top option and the pictures show two seams running front to back.
Kudos to you 66340SEDAN for your help.
For those who may be interested, I have included the post address below.
Great pictures...
Thanks, Pat

Thats nice to have those pictures for reference. What remains of the vinyl top on my 66 Barracuda. The A pilliars has a seam towards the top I will try and add a picture when I get home. You can kind of see it circled in read in the picture below