"New to Me" Sheriff's 1993 Ramcharger

1)Thanks guys- yeah I thought the bolt pattern got wider on the 4WD.
2)Don't know if the grilles interchange, not going to change it out. It's not my favorite, but it's not ugly, so it'll stay
3)Was checking on transportation down to Castle Dale from SLC. $300 for a shuttle/taxi/car ride. Nearest bus stop? Price, Utah about 40 miles away. Cheaper to get a buddy a ticket, rent a sh@t box, drive down, pick the truck up, drive back and drop the sh@t box back at the airport
4) Started giving my buddy a bunch of crap about the trip going haywire and I'd hate to have to refer to the trip as "Broke Back Ramcharger." I thought it was funny, he did not.