Raising shift points

So, I have seen a lot of questions about changing shift timing and the shift kit debate, and I'm sure that some (like me) are working with budgets.
The TF series of transmissions were designed to basically make Granny comfortable going to the grocery store with reliability.
Problem is, that now days we want these tranny's to be a bit more agressive, just a bit later shift since they were generally in 3rd by the time you were doing 15 miles an hour under light throttle.
This page I put on the net shows how to up the shiftpoints 10-15 miles an hour later for about 10 cents, without messing with the governor, pressure regulator, or valvebody.
As a matter of fact, it's all done under the hood.
My car with this setup shifts from first to second at about 25 miles an hour, and into third at just over 30 under normal light throttle driving.
under full throttle it shifts into second at about 45 and third at about 80.

It's here http://www.letsgocomputers.com/shifts.htm