I 81 in North Va. has a B5 Blue Section, or a Tale of Two Trailers

Glad no one was injured, and you are right it is just stuff. I have never liked towing shorter trailers, they are just squirrely at times. I had to drive an enclosed car trailer from Spokane to Phoenix a while back. It was empty. Did not have my equalizer on it as it was a rental trailer however the tongue was level. Was going down one of the passes in northern Idaho and caught a hell of a side wind. Picked the *** end of a 3/4 ton pickem truck up and moved it into the next lane. An experience I will never forget.....and pretty much changed my mind about getting an enclosed trailer one day....

Wow! That is crazy. I guess when you see Semi's blown off the road by the wind, it should tell us something. The tow guy at the scene said they have a couple of trailer accidents a year in that area.