DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks like i am back in the game.......................

yea,, the guy spent 17k on just all the metal work that is done. now before you all jump on me, i know it was not worth that much. but, it does add up when you disect two cars at all the spot welds and make one. i think the guy put at leat 300 hours into all the metal on the car!. and it is done with all perfect welds. i did not see one flaw, and i even checked it over good. id have to say that 9k would be a fair price. so, now the owner is frustrated with it. i was at the point with the guy that i was willing to help him restore his own car, as i love to do the work, and he would get the pleasure to die with it!. he said while it was a nice offer, he cannot, as he has a job that sends him overseas all the time.

i really felt bad for him, and meant what i had said. i could see it in his eyes, as we both got emotional over the ordeal. he got had. he bought the car in 78 and had tons of dreams to bring it back to its former glory. now, i will bring it back, and promised to drop the car off with him for a weekend so he can go rowing throw the gears to the car shows.