
Thanks for the offer ChazRam, I'll look into the Nostalgia Days at Mickey D's.

Well, lrazor, the fuel pump was spitting out half the gas it sucked from the tank out on the K-member, the carb was rebuilt to work with a low amount of gas (the floats set wrong and who knows what else the shop did). The carb got flooded when a good fuel pump that delivered 100% of what it was pumping was installed, it's not really all that hard to figure out, obviously the guy who "fixed" this addressed a sypmtom, not the real problem (read, taking Motrin for a cold).

73AbodEE I tried to be humble about what attitude I take but if you didn't understand, I like old cars and I know how a car works, I don't need my intelligence questioned by being told mopars are simple, I KNOW, I just don't have a lot of experience, I get that Mopars are simple! It's great your dad helped you out on the AVS rebuild but I didn't grow up in a car family, I'm the first. It's great that Mopars are the way they are, that's why I picked a manual steering, manual brakes Dart, because of it's simplicity. Sorry if I sound crude, I'm not good with words, I'm working on that.