1974 Dart 318 Auto, solid car, "Lump, or The Gold brick"

I'd post this item on eBay with a BIN/make offer
say $2795

run it 30 days/let it eat.
there's not much nice stuff like this there/ever
Mary's uncle

Did it. It's on ebay right now. but for $2500.00 classified ad out to 200 miles (4 hours drive time) ad runs for six days.
The ad was free if I went this way. If I went the other way they wanted over $100 for fees.
Thanks Again!

looks like eBay listing fees are free (if your item does not sell)
if you have not sole more the 6 items in 1 year you qualify
if you do sell on eBay just sell with the fee included in the final price
like I said $2750 BIN/best offer
inclued ALL photos excellent discription/phone number/help with finding a delivery comapny etc.
have potiential buyers call you/sometimes they may want to inspect/make offer..you can sell off eBay and have no fees with ebay.
it's done a lot
here's all the eBay info
with national listing on ebay you may sell to a buyer outside the USA
I have done that and it's supe easy.
take care and do not limit your vision in sales..it's a very nice ride