Best way to clean this circuit board?

Strong soap and water, and those green scratch pads.

DO NOT use steel based wire brushes or steel wool. If you must use a brush, use brass

VERY fine sandpaper is OK if you scrub them clean after with soap water and skotchbrite

THen rinse very completely

You don't want to use steel because tiny particles of the brush or wool become imbedded in the copper, and RUST, then the copper corrodes.

I've never tried a thin film of electrical "antiox" but it just might help

Make sure your connector pins are tight and or resolderd

Make sure the grounds to the cluster are good, and add a pigtail to one ground point so you can bolt it to the column support

Check carefully the continuity between the spring connectors for the gauges voltage limiter, and if necessary, solder jumper wires from the VR contacts to the board

Replace the gauge stud nuts with "real" nuts and star washers. I would guess this would be a good place for a tiny drop of antiox

These are easy (simple?) to fix, but just tedious. You have to be relaxed and patient, think it through, and take your time.