72 duster Build progress

due to mothers day slowing things down a bit and due to the fact that the more you sand the more imperfection present them selves ......Im going to try to shoot primer monday now.

all underhood is sanded out,top half of engine bay is sanded and masked aswell as headlight buckets,under trunk and gutters are sanded,one door jam and the half of the door that gets painted is sanded and masked, the other door jamb is almost finished getting sanded and then I have to sand the door and mask it aswell. Then need to a once over on the body and make sure everything is close to where I want it before primer. then back it out of the garage and blow it all off real good and clean up the garage real good, then bring it back in the garage and rip all the wheels off and do a little sanding on the wheel well lips,then mask everything off and prepsall the car nice and clean and spray primer!. sounds like alot but for as busy as I have been on the car this last week....that list doesnt seem so bad lol. hopefully I can get an early enough start on it tomorrow and dont run into any hiccups so I can get it in primer. ill update you guys on what comes about though so stay tuned.