So this is what it's all about?

Joe... its crazy that us Mopar guys are so out numbered and you have dick wads like that who make it a point to be rude... I never thought someone would actually be like that face to face though.. usually the "tough" guys hide behind their key board.. oh well his car almost didn't start.. I would have gladly gave him some new hemi power for that nice 426 he was

thats what sucks about the hobby today. never used to be that way. when i was first starting out 20 some years ago, the guys with the rare high dollar stuff always showed the young guys the way. they helped out with parts and knowledge. it isn't like that anymore. some guys help but not like it used to be. the asshole check book guys ruined the hobby for me. don't get me wrong there are still some good guys out there that are cool. just way too many douchebags now.