Young Gun Giveaway!!!!!!!

i am almost 26 in a few weeks, so i am at the fine line of young gun and old person. i am a very untraditional mopar girl. i was born and raised in south central India, on 8/17/01 i was in an accident, i was in a building that collapsed, so while in the hospital i had plenty of time to read, so a family friend who i now call my brother (fabo member yellowdart72 from Colorado) brought me a stack of mopar magazines so i would not be bored and improve my english......while reading mopar magazines i absolutely fell in love with a sublime 70 road runner so much that i cut out the little pic of the car and kept it in my make-up case for years...i moved to the US on 2/12/02 mainly for better health care bcoz i needed a lot of serguries from the accident. in 2004 i got a student visa and on may of 2004 i started auto school at a community college which was a nitemare due to my lack of english and not being welcomed with other students and some teachers, but i finished so i do all my own work.(i love to weld lol) since 2004 i have been collecting mopars so i have quite a few projects now, i find it good therapy to work on cars bcoz they are like large puzzles, and you can do so much to them. i could not have done it without the help of my brother who has always been a first A-body was a 72 dart and my current project is a 69 dart....for the sake of space i will stop now bcoz i can go on and on.

Very cool story. I am very impressed.