Any Mortgage/Foreclosure gurus?

You forgot Bwarney Fwanks and his "policy" of subslime loans.

I doubt that when Ken Lewis got BAC to buy CFC that it was forced. He was greedy and Mozillo went away laughing after selling all his stock in CFC at $60 before it collapsed to zero. BAC even paid his lawyer bills and fines.

LOL, yep I forgot about Bwarney. And you are right about Ken Lewis and Angelo Mozillo. Geez what a mess those years were. Sorting it out as it was going on was a nightmare!

I took a chance at an adjustable mortgage back in 2006. After paying high interest I am benefitting now with a rate of 1.9% and a monthly payment of $1,000 less than when I started. The downside is now I am paying higher Fed Income taxes because my deductions are way down. They get you one way or another.