WTB - fender fasteners

Thanks Jeff.

I have found those at various stores, but either the washer size is wrong or the clips are the wrong size or something else. I talked with waggin and he says he has the originals and will sell them to me for a reasonable price.

Even though I don't have a show car by any means, for some reason I really want the original stuff. Most people wouldn't even realize if I used aftermarket stuff, but I would know. Seems like a battle in my head. LOL

I agree on the due date comments. When the baby is ready he will be ready. The wife is just miserable and wants her body back. She got into awesome shape before getting pregnant. She was working out and eating right and got down to a tone 115 lbs.. Lots os muscle and a flat belly and awesome *** :). Man she was looking smokin. I am convince she will get back there.