Windshield clip question

I didn't mic the clips but doing a side-by-side they appear to be the same everywhere except the width and thats only the extra tabs on the side.The actual base seems to be the same.The only thing I didn't like is the hole in the original is round and fairly tight to the screw and the new ones have a slot for adjustment,so I need to make sure they are all centered the same so it won't be any alignment issues.

My memory sux but I think the rear window is where I found I needed to adjust the clips.
The slot looks like it could be a problem when there isnt a screw in it. With a screw you'll find there is very little travel allowed. The clip will sit to the bottom of the bed. The only guess work will be the bottom of the glass where there isn't a complete bed. Those screw holes are centered on the same line as the 4 gasket fingers formed in the body ( for those making new holes ). Wheather those few clips are a tad high or not wont matter.