my baby boy is here!!!!!!

Hi all,

I am proud to announce that my wife gave birth this morning to a beautiful baby boy. Birth was at 4:15 am. Evan Michael is 20.5 inches and 8 lbs. 2 ozs.. everything went very well. Mom and baby are resting now and i am pretty much running on E. Evan has a good appetite and everything is fuctioning properly. We are very blessed.

Labor was about 8 hrs. And my wife had to push for 15 min., which was way short compared to our 4 yr old girls birth. My wife is definitely a trooper. Another day or so and mom and baby can go home. We were very close to having the baby on the 18th which is the same day as my daughter. Luckilly that each have their own day, one day apart. Must be something in the water in august. Lol.

Anyway, i just wanted to give an update since several of you have asked and expressed kind words and blessings. Thank you all.

Now i am going to sign off and get some sleep. Im posting from my phone so when i get a chance i will post a pic or two.

Have a good one my mopar brothers. Peace.