MSD-How are you guys hooking up your ON-OFF switched wire ?

Hey it's good to see the different ways to hook this thing up. Reinventing the wheel is good if you can compare and choose what's best. A lot of good information. Security is a good idea.
Some of you guys are pretty funny, which makes it nice.

You guys came through.

From what I've found out, The MSD tech line isn't so hot and the knife blade fittings they supply for your connections are pure junk. Hope you guys threw that stuff away. With the digital 6, a better overall design would be helpful for installation, and with the wires coming out of one end, instead of it looking like an octopus.

I'm also getting rid of my ammeter, and doing the Mad Electric thing, and updating my alternator wiring while I'm at it. The previous owner obviously had a problem at the connector. I'm sure you guys already know about it.
But for those who don't !

Thanks again, you guys are the best. This site is a good place to be.