New heart! RB style

well i took it to the track. I am blown away at the amout of power this thing lays down!! Its too much for my little track down here. There wasnt many people there so I waited till they layed down the VHT before I went. It was my first pass with the new bullet. I staged and stalled it to 2400 and launched easy 1.62 60'. When boost hit the tires went away. I peddled short shifted and stabbed it again boost hit and the tires went away again. By that time it was walking the dog down the track so I shut it down.. Coasted to a 6.40 at 66mph.. Bad news was I was only running 7 cylinders.. I broke a rocker adjuster and it threw out the pushrod. Luckily the pushrod just fell between the 2 rockers and the broken nut and adjuster landed in the void in front of the #2 exhaust spring. Of course I didnt have my spare rockers or adjusters with me so that ended the day. But it looks promising.. Gonna go ahead and order the longer pushrods like I should have so I dont have to run the adjusters down so far.. Atleast it wasnt worse.. Oh she does awesome John Force burnouts!!