Where do you shop?

I will tell you where I don't go. Wal-Mart.

Me, neither

i like mega stores bcoz i like stores that will have 50 units of the item i want in stock at any given time.. .

This has NOT been my experience

Many times the "big box" has TONS of one item --which I don't want, and not much selection in that related item.

Much of the time their "support" is far less than helpful, AND REMEMBER THIS

Many MANY "brand name" items these big boxes sell are NOT what you think

John Deere products sold at the big box ARE NOT true 'Deeres, and John doesn't want to see you coming into his dealership door for parts for one

Lincoln welders

Before Wards went down many years ago, I bought an RCA branded TV (NOT Wards branded) and the tuner died .03 seconds after the warrantee was done. That TV was made BY RCA under special contract FOR Wards, and had a special tuner. You could not get parts anywhere outside of Wards

Same thing at Sears. Lawn mower, Techumseh engine. The CARBURETOR is something Tecumseh never heard of. yup special contract to Sears, ya want parts ya call Sears.

There's WAY WAY too much of this and I believe the customer should be INFORMED of this in BIG RED LETTERS