New heart! RB style

well i took it to the track. I am blown away at the amout of power this thing lays down!! Its too much for my little track down here. There wasnt many people there so I waited till they layed down the VHT before I went. It was my first pass with the new bullet. I staged and stalled it to 2400 and launched easy 1.62 60'. When boost hit the tires went away. I peddled short shifted and stabbed it again boost hit and the tires went away again. By that time it was walking the dog down the track so I shut it down.. Coasted to a 6.40 at 66mph.. Bad news was I was only running 7 cylinders.. I broke a rocker adjuster and it threw out the pushrod. Luckily the pushrod just fell between the 2 rockers and the broken nut and adjuster landed in the void in front of the #2 exhaust spring. Of course I didnt have my spare rockers or adjusters with me so that ended the day. But it looks promising.. Gonna go ahead and order the longer pushrods like I should have so I dont have to run the adjusters down so far.. Atleast it wasnt worse.. Oh she does awesome John Force burnouts!!

Glad you didn't hurt the motor. That car is gunna FLY when you get it all worked out. A 6.40 is a 9.98 in the 1/4. Without the pokes in the run and the mechanical issues. You had at least 1 second of poke/blowing off the tires that you should pick up at least 1 second I would think. That will put you easily into the 5.40's which are equivelent to somewhere in the 8.40's in the 1/4 right out of the gate. More tuning and you will be very deep into the 8's is my guess at over 170MPH. If you can get it to hook I see some High 7's in your near future! :cheers: