Gas price rant, (what are you paying)???

And the dirty little secret that the liberals don't want you to know is
that they are the ones benefiting the most

BTW - I aspire to be part of the 1% and I think everyone else should too. That way instead of calling names and trying to put down people that have been successful in their lives (or maybe their parent's were and they are reaping the rewards), the world would see unprecedented growth and development through innovation. Afterall, Mark Zuckerberg is a freaking BILLIONAIRE now because he wanted to figure out a way to connect with other college kids.

BTT - I paid $3.67 this morning for unleaded. Spent about $300 last week on gas. SUCKS but had to do it to make the money hussling and installing signs all over the Treasure Coast and South Florida area

Thats it, keep pointing fingers. Thats exactly what both sides (L&R) wants us to do.
This way, we the people never really focus on the actual problems.
We just play the blame game.
Seems to be working for you, oh yea how far away from the 1% are you? Got a date in mind?
The middle class is what keeps this country afloat & we are losing members everyday!