Mac Tool Info

Well, I', not gonna argue about which is best. They all have different little things the other does not. I tell you what I do have that's one of my favorite Mac tools. It's a 1/4 drive flex hear ratchet. I'v actually never seen another one like it. The head on it is less than 1/2" in diameter. It's a tiny little thing. Had it probably 20 years. It was one of those things I just had to have, you know man? I saw it and I was like "that's the groove, man". I think it was 95 bucks if I remember. But man I tell you, that thing has let me get to more stuff than a conventional 1/4 ratchet wouldn't. I never heard that about the Flank Drive before, but it kinda makes sense. We gotta Mac man that comes by, but I don't like him. I was missin a 3/8 drive 1/2 intermediate length six point socket. So I went to the truck when he came by. He didn't have one. A 1/2" socket. He didn't have it. SO I said "nevermind man, I gotta friend in Macon who's a dealer". The next week, I'm off the day he comes by. So he has a socket and bills it to my boss, Rodney and leaves it with him. I never told him to order it. So, now I gotta pay Rodney for it, and the right thing to do is pay Rodney some mark up. It's just the right thing to do, you know? So this Mac cat ain't gettin another dime from me. His truck could be the last tool truck in the world man, and I'd work with stones and bearskins. Know what I mean?