Gas price rant, (what are you paying)???

OK, I can't read this whole thread at work but suffice to say the Rebublicans have nothing to do with this. This is really bordering on a politcal thread which I hate to get involved in here as this is a car forum. But let's just suffice to say it's in the richests best interest to keep a middle class as these are the people that will buy their goods.

Poor people have no money and the rich are about 1% of our population, not enough to keep their business profitable. Your anger is misplaced. The people you should be mad at are the speculators that buy up millions of barrels of oil when the price is low in order to turn a profit when the price increases due to whatever global disaster or more accurately perceived global disaster is waiting in the wings.

Let me just go on record as saying I am a registered Republican only so I can vote in the primaries. I really consider myself an independent but there is one thing I agree with in the Republican agenda, I'm against abortion on demand. It's just that plain and simple.
or FABRICATED disaster