ever been??

I personally don't like Dividing up car shows by make, model, year, build type, anything. And purists piss me off more than they should. I don't think it's a good idea to divide up car shows and likewise the car enthusiasts that go to them along those sort of lines. It leads to a kind of philosophical inbreeding, where people take to dissing things that are actually really quite impressive, and trumpeting things that are really not all that special, if not downright inferior to its contemporaries.

I could give a couple of examples that I have dealt with myself, but not without starting a pissing match.

Now mind you, what I do think is important to separate cars by is what their owners are looking to get out of their rides. If they're looking for a car that's thumpin' stylin' profilin' low-ridin' etc. They should stay out of a show with a mind for performance. (And all you have to do to keep them out is to prohibit them from running their stereos at the show, trust me, they won't even show up in the first place.)

I really like what I see of the shows and meets put on by ricekiller.com and the like, As well as several local shows to me, which are open to all years, makes and models. You get to see everything, from a built, RHD GTR, to a rat rod with a mailbox intake made from an actual mailbox, to stuff that I didn't even knew existed. And that's all in between awesomely restored cars from the 30's through the 80's. and built performance cars of all kinds, exotics, straight up race cars, everything. And you get to interact with the owners of all these cars, ask questions, answer questions, and learn all kinds of stuff.

I'll never take my car to an all-mopar show. There's more worthwhile cars out there than just Mopars, And you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.