Different/interesting ways to say I QUIT

Wow... There are some real polite, conservative members posting here! I have worked in construction since 1986.
I've been laid off, I've been fired and I have quit. The last job that I quit was in 2009. I took a job but got a call from my primary employer a week later. I hated the new job. the boss was okay, but the work sucked. The owner came out twice to scream and yell that progress was behind schedule. He told everyone that the union hall had 400 guys out of work and that he was willing to "clear out" the job and call the hall for new employees. Two days later I got the callback from my primary employer that I'd worked with for 23 years. The next day, I told the boss: "Today is my last day, and I'm leaving at noon." He was surprised. he replied: "What? You mean you're quitting, JUST like that?" I told him..."Well, when a boss decides to fire someone, he does it, JUST like that." "Well, i hope that company has a lot of work."
I took his words to mean that I wouldn't be welcomed back. Who cares? The company didn't respect their employees. I won't work for bosses like that. Oh, THAT company I quit has since closed up and went bankrupt.
NO tears from me.