Gas Power auger recommendations

LOL anything gas and pull start is a pain in the kack!!
Stroker we have a Stihl whipper snipper and a stihl chain saw...Stihl is out to lunch on their pricing...well over $1000

And I AM NOT DOING THIS BY HAND!! LOL I dont mind doing some digging, but 3-4 foot depth and over a dozen holes ...fuhgettabout it!! I do need the excercise, but my back is already screwed

But friend, how many threads have you seen and commented on and AGREED with that you get what you pay for. Lemmie tell you something. I repair small engines as a hobby for friends. You know what brand I have YET to see? You guessed it. Stihl. Know what brand I have for myself? You got it again. Stihl. Get this. I have had my Stihl chainsaw for NINE YEARS. Not one single time have I ever drained the gas out of it. Ever. I can go out there when I get home today and fire that pup right off. Same with my blower. Same with my weedeater...although they are not quite as old. ....and I don't even use STA BIL in my stuff like I recommend to my customers. I don't know what it is about Stihl stuff.....but they just don't go bad from sitting like all the rest do, and they don't give problems. The fact that my stuff POPPS OFF when I need it is reason enough to pay more. DAMN a Poulan. LOL