working on a ferrari today.

My boss bought a lambo because it had a timing chain, the Ferrari belts would rot if you didnt drive them. He had 3 Ferraris (Ugly miami vice Testa, Lee Iaccocas signed F40 (!) and a million dollar 288 GTO, and a Countach 5000, all stored and getting driven once every 6 months around the block ( I went along for a few hot laps!) . We quit driving his F40, it needed a timing belt (it "expired" per Ferrari) and a fuel pump, in the tank, no access, carbon fiber body..You need to CUT The tank out to service the fuel pump! Ferrari will send you the jig to support the body while you cut the tank(s) out but it has to be air freight from like 1 of 3 dealers in USA that have it, or Stuttgart, Germany. Dont even ask ow much that costs...Ended up selling it to a Vegas museum on a flatbed. Gotta love 'em!