Gas price rant, (what are you paying)???

Yeah, what he said (needsaresto). Sticking together is what will NOT happen. When I see a gas station with prices 37 cents a gallon higher than another gas station just a block away and the more expensive one is loaded with cars and the lesser priced station about empty (and both are not cut rate stations) that tells me everything. Until WE do something about this crap as one united group it will just go on. Motopsyco has the same opinion about this thing as I do. I am just getting in line like the rest of 'the sheep' and just buying gas when I need it, driving less, making multiple stops for things on one trip and not running the a/c on the daily driver as much as before. I still think it stinks though. Every thing that all of us do to try and get the prices lower is not doing a thing except using up less of a resource that our government is exploiting to the max!!