My 65 Valiant in HBO movie in DC



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 16, 2009
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germantown md
Was selected to have my 65 Valiant in a HBO movie and filming was done last night in front of the White House. The movie is "Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight" and is about Ali's Supreme Court fight concerning his Conscientious Objective status during the 60's. There were 5 cars used; 63 Cadillac coupe, 64 Mercedes, 65 Mustang convertible, 70 Buick Electra and my 65 Valiant Post. They also were going to use the 64 Barracuda but then called me back and said no but would pay me $100 not to use it. I still took the Barracuda down and almost got it in. Even though the director liked my Barracuda, they only wanted 5 cars so my son and I doubled up in the Valiant. They did about 10 takes of all 5 cars going thru the light at 16th and H st (right in front of the White House) and having a large black 68 Lincoln Limo with a Supreme Court Justice pulling out behind us or in front of us (depending on the take) from 16th street onto H st. All I can do is hope we don't end up on the cutting room floor. We had to be there @ 2pm and sat all day waiting. Shooting didn't start till around 9pm and lasted till about 10:30. Long day but was still pretty cool. Had some charging issues on the way home but that's in another "topic" if anyone is willing to help.
Very cool. A friend of mine had his 60 Bonneville in a Ryan O'Neil/Cybil Shepard movie filmed in DC years ago. Another friend had his 65 Barracuda filmed in DC many years ago in a movie about the investigation into the JFK assination. He was real disappointed that the scene his Barracuda was in was filmed with a fish-eye lens and said you can hardly tell its a Barracuda when it shows up on screen.
Friday night there was a guy at the local cruise in at Sterling, Virginia, looking for a few 1947-1951 cars and a few late 60's to early 70's cars for a couple "flashback" scenes they will be filming in front of the Mayflower Hotel on Connecticut Ave in DC next weekend. This one sounds like its for some independent film maker but they were still paying to use the cars.
As for me, I won't take my cars inside the Washington Beltway anymore, and with all the traffic, I would certainly not take an old car down town, even on a weekend.
Very cool, hope it makes it to the big screen:cheers: