Mustang boss 302 vs mopar!

I don't have alot of first hand knowledge with this stuff. I wasn't alive in the 70s, so I don't know which car could stomp which car when it rolled out of the factory.

So this is what I'll say.

Surely you guys aren't still driving these cause you think they're the fastest. If so, I have a youtube video of a Smart Car with a Hayabusa engine in it that you need to see. We drive them because they're fun, and because cars today look like soul-less **** (Or maybe that's just why I drive them?)

And I have to say, as much as I love my duster... a 302 is a /nice/ looking car. I'd like to own one in addition to my mopar one day ^^ Who knows. Maybe I'll eventually have the cash.

Also, good luck finding one of either that's identical to the day it rolled off the line now. Most of them have been messed with or messed up in one way or another. So, for today, there's really no sense in comparing them ONLY stock. Both have potential. You're going to be working on it anyways, might as well tune up the performance too.