Facebook, Twitter, MySpace

I just got an ear full briefing from Navy Criminal Investigative Service about how foreign governments and others use these websites to spy on us with fake girls, emails listed on these social networks and even including loss of passwords. They said our smart phones have little security against remote hacking especially when people unlock/jail-break their phones. They said the tablets and such have much better security. Bit torrent downloads are very dangerous and they actually flatout told us to PAY for our pornography instead downloading unknown data. This doesn't just apply to National Security, it applies to corporate/company security-PROTECT YOUR AMERICAN INTERESTS.

If you work with, near, for corporate/federal/US interests, try to keep in mind that you can be hacked-leaving your computer on all the time-always logged in, etc.

They tried to impress us, whatever. I had one lousy question for them. I am not by any means close to being the top ten percent of highest intelligent people within the military , but those clowns don't have a single federal website that we can check our computers (allot of people travel-their stuff is vulnerable) for malicious spyware.

Food for thought for my beloved fellow FABO members. Godspeed, MOPAR FOREVER.