I was P.O'ed, she didn't like it, either

that's the worst part right there.

ps- my Duster was bought new in Wolfville, N.S.

Hey that's cool would have been Robinsons motors or Cox motors I believe. And probably in New Minas A 5 min drive the next village over I can't remember a dealership in Wolfville.And it's a good thing you took it westward it probabaly wouldn't exist if you hadn't......RUST!

NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whether you use hands free or no the distraction is the same!

Study after study shows the using an electronic devices is JUST as distracting wheter it is hands free or NOT.


Joe Dokes

Exactly. Plus, I don't talk on my phone or text when I drive. As a matter of fact, I rarely ever talk on the phone, and I'm not sure my phone is even capable of doing text. So, why should I have to pay for YET ANOTHER extra on a car that I don't want (even if it's "affordable"). That's making ME pay for other people's stupidity. It's bad enough it's near impossible to buy a car anymore without electric windows and locks, fancy stereo, and other gizmos, don't add more crap to the sticker price!

Hey I agree with what both of you are saying it is a distraction whether you are hands free or not .And we shouldn't have to pay for other peoples stupidity but that's the way it is now days ! Look around most of the things we have to do at work, home or in life are because some dummy doesn't know any better so we have to make regulations to help the dummys survive or keep them form killing us! My point is that here it is illegal to drive while using the cell to text or call.But because people have to do it you see them driving looking at their laps trying to hide it. They are going to do it no matter what ! So maybe then every car should have a device installed that will jam the cell phone so it can't function in the car .