I was P.O'ed, she didn't like it, either

My 67 Makes so damn much noise I can NOT hear the cellphone while driving.

THE SOLUTION!!!! Bring back muscle cars and loud exhaust!!!

Yup. Whole problem is NOT the physical phone, it's the detachment of the brain.

Back in my years of "working on the road," both my boss and I are radio amateurs. We seem to have had NO trouble carrying on a "light" conversation on the radio while driving.

But if he got on his cell, always a business call, in which deeper thought was involved, the vehicle would suddenly start speeding up, slowing down, wandering across lanes, and generally "acting as if it were drunk". You could NOT convince him this was so.

None of this had anything to do with a physical phone versus "hands free."

Texting is the worst of about 4 worlds