Labor Lawyers Advice?

Hey kids,
Need some advice. My Deb got canned a week ago without warning, written or otherwise. No reason was given. She's never had a written warning. She's always had good reviews within the company and from the surveys of her customers and vendors. She wasn't even given any termination paperwork to sign. After 13 years it was just a big "C-ya".

Mind you, this isn't some podunk, part time retail job. She was the sales manager for a prominent aerospace machine shop (think 5 axis laser and water jet). She obtained and directly oversaw the biggest accounts the company had and her record with them was practically spotless. She had also made sure the company had aquired and maintained the proper certifications like the AS9100 Rev. C and NADCAP.

From our perspective, trouble began when the company was bought by a new owner who seemingly had a different view on a woman's place in the business world (or at least a middle eastern world). Her commissions were cut and she recieved a "bonus" instead. That actually equated to a pretty good wage cut. The new guys kid was interjected into the "management" as were a few other family members and friends from "church". None of these fine people had or have a working knowledge of the industry and the two of them have even been thrown out by a few clients.

So, the questions are;
Will it do any good to go to the Labor Board and what would the possible outcome be?

Should we sue this jackwad?

It is pretty likely the new crew will get things in a huge mess but that is the ways things are. I would consult an attorney to explore her legal rights. Only use an attorney that takes cases on a contingency basis. They will only get paid if you prevail. If they take the case you know that they think they will prevail and if they do loose you aren't out a bunch of attorney fees. Do some research on any attorney and find a fighter and not one just looking for a quick buck that will sell you down the river.