Have you had a member look at a car on your behalf?

I have looked at a car for a fellow member from here on FABO. He was going to drive from Tenn. to Indiana to look/buy a Dart that was less than 10 miles from me. After looking at it he decided it wasn't what he was looking for.

Also on another site I looked at a car that was about an 1 1/2 hour drive for me. I called him and talked at lenght of the condition and even when I was on a test drive in it was talking to him. It was a nice day and I got my Prowler out for a drive. It had many things he was wanting, but had been wrecked and had a salvaged title, blown air bags and repaired frame. It drove nive, was very quick so the repairs other than air bags were done well.

His plan was to repaint it from the factory red to Pearl white. It had some rock chips but I figured that didn't matter, told him about them, but that is what he complained about. What the Hell, rock chips and he was going to repaint the whole car.

Long story short, I would do it again, the car is BEAUTIFUL and he seems very happy with it.

My long distance story

Seen a 69 Coronet 500 convertible in NY for sale. Mom thought it would be a good car for dad and I made arrangements for my brother who lived 90 miles from it to go look at it. It was to be a rust free California car. My brother used to help my uncle at his body shop so figured he would be a good person to look at it for me.

He told me that it was in good shape, so I made the deal over the phone then made a 10 hour drive to go get it.

My 1st thought was what the hell did my brother see. It had cheap seat covers on top of the original seats (could see the seams and ribs) all the body work that had been done could be seen (yes rust free, but had dings and dents repaired)

Mom had given me a certified check for the amount (big mistake). I would not have given him as much had I known the real condition. It was a good car, just not what I expected. Then the title issue, old enough that it didn't need a title, but was registered in his EX wifes name only. He thought he would have his girlfriend sign it and I would be gone. NOPE, made him call his ex and drive about an hour to get her to sign it.

Long story with even a worse ending, but a happy ending afterall

Got it home and was dad surprised, not really, didn't care much for it, so sold it to a good friend who's dad wanted a 69 Coronet 500 convertible in 69, but with 3 young boys didn't think it was a good choice so he bought a 69 Coronet 500 Station wagon with woodgrain sides.

Brians dad still has the car and drives it every once in a while.

If anyone wanted me to look at a car for them I would if I had time and it was close by. I have worked on cars most all my life, had 2 years auto mech schooling and owned over 100 cars & trucks over the past 38 years. I might be too picky, but anyone that I would look at a car for would know what it looks like before ever seeing it, dings dents rust, engine condition and how it drives.

If I were to look at a car and the person that didn't want it and I had some interest, yes I might buy it, but only after the interested party said they were not interested any more

So there are several GOOD PEOPLE out there that will go out of there way to help a total stranger with only the common bond of the Internet and love of cars.

Take a chance, you might be pleasently surprised