Labor Lawyers Advice?

This is why i still believe in unions.

Was she management or labor? I'm assuming management by your comments. There are a lot of laws that protect workers, even in California. But if your management, your pretty much screwed. If the workers are union, management sometimes has rights that were fought for by union folks by virtue of "trickle down " for lack of a better term.

For those of you not in the know, Its reasons like this that unions were formed in the first place,...that is to protect workers from unfair labor practices (such as this), abuses by unscrupulous company owners,( Carnegie's, Rockafeller's, Bush's,etc,etc,) and corporate 1% ers who think that everyone is just a number and replacable.

This is where things like FMLA, OSHA, worker benefits, (i.e; affordable insurance,sick days, cast of living raises), job security and training, and labor boards came from among other things...When you become management, you forgo those rights, and have to pretty much fend for yourself...meaning you are compensated more (hypothetically), and are more able to fend for yourself,...
Side rant
Having worked on "both sides of the fence", It's a damn travesty that Unions have let themselves be controlled by fatcat politicians and lobbyists which garner f*****g huge saleries which in turn raise union dues and costs to the consumer which is why everything union made is more expensive than It needs to be. And (unfortunatly)abuses by employess and dead wood are still protected by,(meaning everyone is protected by a steward/lawyer of sorts) by law.....and places like Wallyworld thrive, where every one is now an associate, (read management),...good luck getting benefits when your wife is sick if you are employed there...

As stated before, Karma is a *****,...hopefully that rat basturd boss will get his,.. When one door closes, another door opens,...but the hallway sucks...You'll be fine,. I made it though something similar,...Good Luck to ya...