New Hurst line locks are sweeeeeet!

At 16 (1971), I installed a line lock on my '69 GTX after watching a 70 RoadRunner on Main Street...light em up.WOW. After the install I drove over to the grocery store I worked part-time at (carry-out), and after stopping in the bank parking lot in front ...I set the line-lock and immediatly started fryin my tires. i was watching my co-workers and was wondering why they were laughing their a$$es off while the smoke was pouring out. Unfortunately...for me...a Sherriff had pulled directly in front of me...lights on an all...nose to nose...and I didn't even notice him as I was watching my co-workers reactionover my shoulder.

Needless to say...I BS'ed my way out of a ticket. I knew then ...I was a born salesman

atta boy!