904 differences

thanks fishy I was a little nervous about trying the screwdriver but if that's the way then that's the way eh lol , Summit has 7 or 8 different listings of flexplates for a 10" pattern ,internal balance, six bolt crank , with 7/16 bolts ranging in price as i said above ,my local speed shop quoted me $22 which leads me to wonder if the kid read the wrong part #, yes I upgraded the converter to a 10" race unit to handle the stroker and it uses the bigger bolts which is why I can't reuse the plate I have .
I used the wobble to do it last time with enough extensions to reach the front side of the K member lol to get that one bolt , I like to wrap the wobble and the socket etc.. in a couple of wraps of masking tape ,it stops it from flopping , keeps the socket on it and still bends when it has to .

Your local speed shop might have quoted you a stock flexplate, or some Chinese cheapie. Been a while since I looked for one on Summit's site so I had no idea they had so many. Yeah I usually wrap a wobble U-joint with tape too cause most of the time their loose and floppy. When I said wobble I was referring to a wobble extension, not the u-joint type wobble. The wobble extensions don't flop around as much as a u-joint type. Their a little limited to how much range they have but it's plenty to do most things. If your not familiar with them type in wobble extension on E-bay and I'm sure a ton of them will pop up. I bought a cheap set off E-bay yrs. ago when I first saw them and they actually work real good.