741 v 742 v 489 housings

Thanks oldkimmer, but how can I tell? I was able to slide these plates onto the housing all the way. There is a "flat" spot cutout I had to line up first. Does that mean these will work then? Thanks!

Of the backing plates you just got: what is the drum diameter and what is the shoe width?

"A" body 8 3/4 drums and shoes are 10 inches dia and 1 3/4 inches wide; "B", "C", "E" body drums and shoes are 10 or 11 inch dia, 2 to 2 1/2 inches wide depending on option statious.

"A" body axels are approximatly 1/4 inch shorter from the bearing to the wheel flange than "B, "C", "E" axels and this difference is also reflected in the backing plates. Stock axels all have the same spline count, so the fact that the axels you just got slide into your 741 carrier is/was to be expected. BTW is the thrust button still in the carrier?

To see if/how this will work take the following measurements:

Housing width, flange to flange
axel length, outside flange to end

This info will tell what you have and what your options are.